ARA Group

Dr. Rob Armstrong and his research group focus their research on the design, synthesis, and characterisation of novel materials for lithium-ion and sodium-ion batteries. There is particular emphasis in correlating structure and properties using powder X-ray and neutron diffraction combined with electrochemical studies.
Dr. Rob Armstrong is the project leader on the Faraday Institution sodium-ion battery project NEXGENNA. Details of our groups current research projects are described here and our recent publications are available here.

Group News:

PhD Viva – Dr. Alexis Manche 

Congratulations to Dr. Alexis Manche for successfully defending his PhD thesis. Thank you to Dr. Maria Alfredsson and Dr. Julia Payne for conducting the viva voce.

LIBD – June 2023 

Yingling, Chuxin, Joel and Alexis participated and presented at the Lithium Battery Discussions conference held in Arcachon, France.

MEDPore – May 2023 

Joel presented a poster at the 1st Mediterranean conference on porous materials held in Crete, Greece.

Participation at MOF 2022 

Joel and Aamod presented their work at the 8th international conference on MOFs and open frameworks held in Dresden.

Research feature in Chemistry World

Work on simple and sustainable routes to making anode materials for sodium-ion batteries, carried out by Armstrong and his group has been featured in Chemistry World. You can read more about this work here.

Sustainability in Modern Batteries

Rob Armstrong gave a keynote Lecture at Global Sustainable Technology & Innovation Community (G-STIC) conference on “Sustainability in Modern Batteries”.